Sunday, November 5, 2017

Drive to Asamushi / 浅虫へのドライブ

It was a Monday way back in February. We have only had our car for about two months and as today the weather was good and the road conditions were fair, we decided to take a short little trip to Asamushi.


While my wife familiarizes herself to her old hometown after ten years, I sit in the passenger seat looking all around me. My wife told me the mountain in front of us is called Azumadake.


The other side of this tunnel is Asamushi. It is only a 30 to 45 minute drive from our house.


We decided to have lunch at the Asamushi Roadside Station called Yu-sa Asamushi. The Roadside Station is a 5 story building selling souvenirs on the first floor. A rest area on the second floor. A restaurant and gallery on the third floor. Conference rooms on the fourth and a public bath located on the fifth floor overlooking Mutsu Bay.


The name of the restaurant on the third floor is called [Sunset].


I ordered the scallop curry.


My mother-in-law ordered the regular curry.


My wife ordered their chuka soba.


There is a nice view of Yu-no-Shima from the 3rd floor.


As long as we were here, we decided to check out the small gallery as well.


There were a few flower arrangements along with historical items of Aomori displayed in the cases.


These were made at some craft class that's also held at the Roadside Station.


Free potpourri. They gave off the scent of cypress.


My wife and I were familiar with the free foot bath outside Asamushi station but today, we wanted to check out one other free foot bath. It's located near a place called the "hot spring egg" area. If you bring your own eggs, you can make "hot spring" eggs which are called onsen tamago. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to make, so while you're making your onsen tamago, you can soak your feet in the foot bath.


Making onsen tamago.


There is my mother-in-law soaking her feet.


Time to soak my feet as well.


The water is pretty hot.


Checking our "hot spring" eggs.


They turned out pretty well. We ate them at home though.


We headed closer to the water.


My wife told me when she was younger, you could actually walk out to the large rock. Now it's on the property of a university and is not open to the public.


Yu-no-Shima / 湯の島

As it was still February, none of these shops were open. They mostly do business during the summer.


It was a nice little drive to close out the weekend. Oh, and I did find a job and would start on the beginning of March.


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