Friday, November 1, 2019

Hakodate Weekend Getaway (Day 2 - Part 2) / 函館一泊旅行 (二日目 ー パート2)

I can't believe my wife and sister-in-law weren't interested in checking out the Magistrate's office. My mother-in-law said she had already seen it before with her late husband so didn't feel the need to see it again. Well, that wasn't going to stop me from checking it out on my own.


This is called the shishanoma. This was a waiting room for lower-ranked appendages of visitors of the Magistrate's office. The large alcove in the front is called the kyutetsudoko, and here, bows, arrows and guns were hung. 


This is the kiyomedokoro. A place to wash your hands. 


This is the yoba shoyodokoro. It is a lavatory. A box called the gesubako was used as a toilet bowl.


Ohiroma / 大広間

This is one of the most formal rooms in Hakodate Magistrate's Office. Ohiroma is a large room partitioned into four rooms with paper sliding doors. The four rooms are called ichinoma (first chamber) with an alcove, alcove shelves and a tsukeshoin, ninoma (second chamber), sannoma (third chamber), yonnnoma (fourth chamber), respectively. The ohiroma was used exclusively for special occasions such as conducting important annual ceremonies. The strict hierarchal was observed for the entry of the four rooms.


Bukiokisho (Weapons Storage Room) / 武器置所

A storage room for swords, spears, bows, arrows, guns and other weapons. Some Western-style guns such as Gewehr and Minie were probably stored here.


Omotezashiki / 表座敷

This is a room where the magistrate attended to his duties. Sentencing of criminals was also performed here. This was the most formal room in the magistrate's office.


Nakaniwa / 中庭

Nakaniwa, a courtyard, was built for letting light into the building, as well as storm water drainage, and not for ornamental purposes. The rainwater from the roofs was collected to run through gutters and storage tanks, and then to flow under the floor of the ohiroma into the south garden. Taikoyagura, the drum tower, viewed over nakaniwa, is 16.65 meters tall. 


Oyakusho Shirabeyaku / 御役所調役

This is a room where officials such as the shirabeyaku and shirabeyaku-nami and their subordinates worked at their desks. Shirabeyaku is the third rank in the office after the magistrate and kumigashira. This is the largest room in the whole building with 45-tatami-mat area. 


The major posts of the Hakodate Magistrate's Office are as follows: Hakodate Magistrate - Kumigashira - Shirabeyaku - Joyaku - Yoriki - Doshin - Ashigaru.

函館奉行所の主な役職:函館奉行 ー 組頭 ー 調役 ー 定役 ー 与力 ー 同心 ー 足軽

Koyagumi / 小屋組み

The room for the shirabeyaku is 45 tatami-mats (approx. 74.25 square meters in area), and it is the largest one in the restored part of Hakodate Magistrate's Office. The room is approximately 9 meters wide measured by a distance spanned by the main transverse beams. Two pine beams, each approximately 10 meters long and 60 centimeters in diameter, support the entire kawara-tile roof of the building, thereby eliminating the need for any supporting posts inside the room.


This shows the total area of the Hakodate Magistrate's Office. The part in blue is the portion that has been restored.


Stairs to the second floor. Unfortunately, it was closed to the public but you can see what the floor looks like from the picture on the stairs.


Taikoyagura / 太鼓櫓

Taikoyagura is a five-tiered drum tower from which Hakodate port was in full view. The drumbeats sounded from the tower top to tell the hours in those days. As its roof was covered with copper, and because it could easily be seen over the fort's earthwork from the Hakodate port, the taikoyagura was targeted by naval gunfire during the Battle of Hakodate. There is a written record of the taikoyagura being hit by a cannon shot from a battleship.


And thus ended by tour of the Hakodate Magistrate's Office. *information courtesy of the signs provided in the building.


Wooden Storehouse and Mud-Walled Storages  

Site of the Gatekeeper's House / 門番所跡

We made our way back to the Goryokaku Tower and walked around the ground floor where I came across another statue of Toshizo Hijikata.


30 pound cannon / 30ポンド短カノン砲

Ayasaburo Takeda / 武田斐三郎

Takeaki Enomoto / 榎本武揚

Kaiyomaru / 開陽丸

Hijikata is welcoming us to Hakodate.


Our adventure is winding down as we had to head back to the ferry terminal to catch our ferry back to Aomori City. But there I still have just a tad more to write about.


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