Monday, August 7, 2023

Aomori Nebuta Festival 2023 / 靑森市 ねぶた祭り 2023年

I was going to continue about our visit to the Osarizawa Mine in Kazuno in Akita Prefecture but since we went to watch the Nebuta festival yesterday, I thought I would share our experience of that instead. We watched the festival on the community channel on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, my wife and I decided to watch it with our own eyes. The festival is held every year from August 2 through the 7. The festival starts at 7:00pm and ends around 9:00pm. The best floats would be chosen on the 5th. Then, on the 7th, the best three will be featured on a ship that sails around Mutsu Bay. The festival will end with a fireworks display. 


We knew most of the parking areas would be filled before the start of the festival so we decided to leave around 5:00pm and headed for the parking garage at Machinaka Onsen. At first, the sign said it was full but as we drove around the block and were a few cars away from the entrance, I asked the attendant if there were still spaces and he said yes! Usually, we would end up parking on the second or third story but we kept going up, up, and up, until we ended up on the roof where there were a few parking spaces left. Still, we felt lucky to be able to park there. 


The festival wouldn't start for another hour and there was one other place we wanted to check out. We walked from Machinaka Onsen to Hirota Shrine. At this shrine, small goldfish Nebuta were hung on the torii (gate). They would also be lit up when it gets dark. 


It was still light out when we reached Hirota Shrine. 


We couldn't wait until got dark to check out the illuminated goldfish Nebuta. 


Oh, it's getting a little darker. 


The start of the festival is a car which seats Miss Nebuta. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a clear picture. 


And now, the first of the Nebuta floats. 


The people you see hopping are called haneto.


Yamada High School rhythmic gymnastics team members. 


My wife spotted former regional idol, Toki from Ringomusume. 


Rein Meer Aomori Football Club members / ラインメール靑森FCのメンバー

We headed back to the parking garage about a half-hour before the end of the festival. We didn't want to get stuck trying to get out of the place. Everything went quite smoothly and we made it home safely without any incident. I think I'll probably want to see it with my own eyes again next year.


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