Monday, March 4, 2019

Road Trip to Owani Town / 大鰐町の日帰り旅

Yesterday was such a beautiful day in Aomori that my wife and I decided to go for a drive. My wife asked, "Where should we go?" With no definite plans in mind, I finally suggested going to a temple in Owani Town, a little over an hour away. We were headed to Daien-ji Temple.


This is the sanmon or gate to the main temple.


This is the Nakanohashi or "Middle Bridge" which leads straight to Daien-ji Temple. Of course, I'm looking back on it from the temple side.


View from the bridge.


View of the other side of the bridge.


Kannon / 観音様

Hand purification basin / 手水舎

I kind of like the silhouette image of the dragon. I took the picture this way on purpose.


Nio statues, protectors of the temple, on both sides of the entrance gate.


The hondo or main temple / 本堂

Inside the hondo.


This year when we went to our first temple/shrine visit, I did my fortune twice. The first time my wife paid and the fortune said 凶 which means "cursed". My mother-in-law said since you didn't pay for the fortune with your own money, you should do it again. So I did. This time when I opened my fortune, it said....凶!! So my wife said to me that I should get my fortune read at this temple. The Japanese have a saying - "Sando me no shojiki". We have this same phrase in English. It means, "The third time's a charm". And so I did. The result was....


Dai Kichi! or "Very Blessed"! Now to keep the charm in my wallet.

大吉が出ました! さて、これを自分の財布にしまらないっと。

I also had to get my latest addition to my shrine and temple seal notebook.


Namu Daishi / 南無大師

Boke Yaku Yoke Fudoson, protection to ward off evil spirits.


Yeah, I think this face might scare off any evil spirits.


The building with the temple offices.


Statue of Kobo Daishi.


Jizo, Guardian deities of children.


The temple bell / お寺の鐘

Temple grounds / 境内

The dragon without the shadow effect.


Another look at the Nakanohashi before finding a place to eat lunch.


But my wife spotted a free foot bath area so I had to check it out.


A brief history of Owani Town and the poet Keigetsu Omachi and a monument to the former site of the Kagasuke Ryokan, a traditional Japanese Inn.


If you look closely at the map, you will see that the Kagasuke Ryokan was located where the foot bath is.


Monument to poet, Keigetsu Omachi / 大町桂月の碑

I almost missed out on the small fish design if my wife didn't point them out.


Cyclist crossing the Nakanohashi.


The foot bath had no water in it when we checked, probably due to the season.


We decided to drive across the Nakanohashi before searching for a restaurant.


And for you Ultraman fans, yes, that is Dada in our car.


The gate to Daien-ji Temple.


I suggested to my wife, that we should check the area around Owani Onsen station. At first she wasn't keen to the idea but we saw a sign that showed there was not only a hot spring, but a restaurant at the hot spring as well.


The place was called the Owani Area Cultural Exchange Center "Wani come".

行ってみたら、大鰐地域交流センター「鰐 come」。

The name of the restaurant inside the center was [Hana Ringo].


My wife ordered the soba and tempura bowl set.


I decided to try the special amazake miso ramen and ordered a topping of chashu as well.


Hana rngo translates to "flower apple" and there was a display of one at the entrance of the restaurant.


Owani Onsen Station was close by so we decided to walk there and check it out.


In front of the station. We spotted another foot bath, but this one did have hot water in it. My wife didn't bring any towels and she said she was wearing stockings so wouldn't be able to soak her feet but that didn't stop me from doing so.


And why is an alligator welcoming us? Because in Japanese, the word "wani" translates to alligator or crocodile.


Soaking my feet in the free foot bath.


The foot bath / 駅前足湯

This shows that Owani was the gyoji (sumo wrestling referee) back in the Edo Period.


Owani is not only a popular hot spring resort, it is also a popular ski resort in the winter.


To the right of the main station building is the building for the Konan Railway Line which goes from Owani to Chuo Hirosaki. It looks quite retro.


This is the waiting area.


This sign gives an explanation of how the town got its name. The kanji characters for Owani (大鰐) is also spelled with different characters but are read the same way. There are two theories. One is that in the Ainu language, "ane" is a word for a forest with a valley and eventually became the town name. The other is that the town was named after a temple Oani-ji Temple spelled with the characters 大安寺.

Owani Town manhole cover.


On our way back home, we stopped at a place called Tasakoimura and had dessert.


I had a pistachio ice cream that was served with a drink.


My wife ordered the strawberry parfait.


Both desserts were quite delicious. And so ended our day's adventure.


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