Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Ramen Shop [Gojoken] / らーめん 出し屋「五丈軒」

Earlier this year while it was still winter, my mother-in-law who doesn't really like ramen suggested going to a ramen shop called [Gojoken] after we finished a bit of shopping. I was amazed. It was very unusual for my mother-in-law to eat ramen. She doesn't pasta, udon, or soba much either.

今年の冬イトーヨーカドーで買い物を済ましたら、珍しくラーメン嫌いの義理の母があるラーメン屋でランチを食べないかと提案。え?お母さんがラーメン? 僕にとってびっくりポンだよ。だって、自分の義理の母はパスタ、うどん、蕎麦もあんまり好きじゃないんです。行った店はらーめん 出し屋「五丈軒」。

The sign says [Gojoken] Noodle Factory.


It appears the two main choices of ramen on the menu was Chuka Soba or Bara Soba. I opted for the Bara Soba which is the pork noodle. The broth was niboshi (dried sardine based) which is the most popular style of ramen in the Tohoku area.


This is their Chuka soba. My wife loves this style and flavor of ramen, except for the hard-boiled egg, which I happily ate for her.


This is the bara soba as you can see, it comes with a fair amount of pork!


I also couldn't believe my mother-in-law suggesting to go play ping-pong after eating ramen but that's exactly what she did and we ended up playing for an hour. I love playing ping-pong so I'm not one to refuse. I could play all day if I had the time.


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