Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum in Kuroishi / 黒石にある津軽こけし館

Last Monday (which is my day off), my wife and I, along with my mother-in-law were planning on just doing a little shopping at Big (a food discount store) in Namioka (a suburb of Aomori). However, the weather was so beautiful out, my mother-in-law didn't want to just go home. So on the spur of the moment, we decided to drive to Kuroishi. We were going to check out the Tsugaru Kokeshi Musuem.
Just in case you don't know what a Kokeshi doll is, they are Japanese dolls, originally made in Northern Japan. They are handmade from wood, have a simple trunk and an enlarged head with a few thin, painted lines to define the face. The body has a floral design painted in red, black, and sometimes yellow, and covered with a layer of wax. One characteristic of kokeshi dolls is their lack of arms or legs. The bottom is typically marked with the signature of the artist. Courtesy of Wikipedia. There are 11 different types of Kokeshi Dolls with the 11th and newest style being the Tsugaru Kokeshi Dolls. I am not going to go into detail on the other ten.


It may be April but not all of the snow has melted here in snow country.


The Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum / 津軽こけし館

Oh no! I have become a Kokeshi Doll while my mother-in-law looks on amused.


You are greeted at the entrance of by two large Kokeshi lanterns.


There are hundreds of different sized Kokeshi dolls on display at the store. All of which are for sale. The museum portion is on the second floor.


Japan's largest wooden based daruma / 日本一木地だるま

And one very large Kokeshi doll!


Wooden pieces for making a kokeshi doll.


After checking out the kokeshi dolls for sale, we decided to see the kokeshi dolls that were on display on the second floor.


I love this set that looks like little Russian matryoshka dolls.


2nd Generation Gold and Silver Kokeshi /二代目 銀・銀こけし

Gotta love some of the freestyle kokeshi.


Hanging out with my new friend.


In case you were wondering what was on the bottom of the doll. This one has feet but it is where the artist usually writes their name.


This display housed some celebrity kokeshi dolls. This one is my Sakura Momoko, creator of "Chibi Maruko-chan".


And the triumvirate of politicians - from left to right: Former Prime Minister Taro Aso, current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and current Governer of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike.

そして3人の政治家 ー 左から内閣福総理大臣、麻生太郎、内閣総理大臣、安倍晋三、と東京の知事、小池百合子。

The tops were kind of cool too.


A kokeshi make with a bunch of little kokeshi.


Kokeshi cats / こけし猫

Mini kokeshi capsule toy machine / ミニこけしガチャ

When we returned to the shop on the first floor, a kokeshi artist was hard at work making a new kokeshi doll.


And you gotta check out the tops too.


And located behind the Tsugaru Kokeshi Museum is the Tsugaru Traditional Crafts Museum but that will be for the next post.


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