Monday, May 23, 2022

Tenno Shrine and Shichinohe Castle Ruins / 天王神社と七戸城跡

A few weeks ago, I suggested to my wife about checking out the Azalea Festival held every year at Tenno Shrine in Shichinohe. It was such a beautiful day for a drive that my wife agreed. 


The gate to Tenno Shrine in Shichinohe. 


Azaleas / つづじ

First, we had to walk up these steps. 


Tenno Shrine's Honden / 天王神社の本殿

Inside the shrine. 


We then enjoyed checking out the azaleas. 


Side view of the shrine. 


I couldn't pass up having a snack called keiran with some matcha. 


So what is keiran? It's sticky rice flour dumpling filled with red bean paste and somen noodles in a warm broth. The dumpling represents an egg while the noodles represents the nest that the egg is in. It is eaten on special occassions or during special ceremonies. 

Tenno Shrine Seal / 天王神社御朱印

Right across from the Tenno Shrine was the Shichinohe Castle Ruins and another temple. Of course we had to check it out. 


A little history about the East Gate of Shichinohe Castle. I'm not going to translate the sign. 


Shichinohe Castle East Gate / 七戸城東門

We thought the signs for the Men and Women's washroom were cute. 


A map of the area surrounding the castle ruins. 


Me and my wife. 


A monument called "Himezuka". 


The legend of the "Hime-zuka". A long time ago, the Lord of Shichinohe Castle had a beautiful princess. She was in love with a samurai of lower status. When the Lord found out, the samurai was put to death. The princess then followed her lover into death by taking her own life. As the two lovers could not be together in this life, they were buried together in the hopes of being together in the next life.

Map and history of Shichinohe Castle. 


This was the other shrine we went to visit. It's called Shinmeigu Shrine. 


Hand purifying basin / 手水舎

The gate and approach to Meishingu Shrine. 


Inside the main honden (main hall). 


Honden / 本殿

Mikoshi (portable shrine) storehouse / みこし殿

Mikoshi / 神輿

Mikoshi / 神輿

Shichinohe Shinmeigu Shrine Seal / 七戸神明宮の御朱印

It looks like some type of haiku is written on the rock. I can't read it and I didn't bother asking my wife to read it. 


We followed the signs to an observation point that where you can get a great view of Tenno Shrine. 


Tenno Shrine and the azaleas. 


The remains of the moat that once surrounded Shichinohe Castle. 


Before we headed home, we went to one last place. It's where we had some delicious desserts but that will be for next time. 


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