Saturday, January 23, 2021

Aomori's Neverending Chore of Snow-Shoveling / 青森県永遠の雑用・雪かき

I heard the news the other day that said this year's snowfall has been the heaviest in six years. This is my fourth year of living in Aomori City so this is the heaviest snowfall I've seen to date. And when it snows this much, then you must shovel the snow off your driveway and yard. Before you tell me that I should get a snow blower, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind. First, the snow piles up in a very narrow and small area. Using a snowblower will just blow the snow into the neighbor's yard which could result in a neighborhood feud. The second is that it isn't cost effective. Snow blowers are expensive and ultimately not worth the investment. We're still lucky though, we can dump our snow across the street as there is a cliff that looks down into a large and mostly empty field. It made me wonder about some of my neighbors though. I see a lot of them dragging their snow to the local park so I decided to take a look at the park. 


The cherry blossom tree at my neighborhood park. You can't see the entrance to the park because of all the snow. 


Here I am inside the park. Well, I don't think anybody will be using the swings until the spring.


Okay, this looks like the path my neighbors take to dump their snow. 


Unlike the cliff across the street from our house which slopes down, it's a 90 degree drop at the park. I wonder if anybody has ever fallen by accident.


It's hard to tell from the picture the height of the cliff. 


As my sister said if you don't have to snow shovel then the snow looks really beautiful. 


I took these pictures from the park. 


On the other side of that tree is where we dump our snow. 


This may show you why my wife does not like to drive in the winter. 


Look, snow dunes!


A slope to the cliff one of our neighbors made to dump their snow. 


The sun made a guest appearance. 


But was quickly hidden by a large cloud. 


Ah, the aftermath of snow-shoveling!


I think I just melted into the snow! 


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