Friday, June 16, 2017

Road Trip to Hakkoda Shrine / 八甲田神社への旅

It was still the middle of winter but since we bought our new car, my wife decided on a spur of the moment road trip. We were heading to Tashirodaira, the site of one of the world's worst mountaineering accident occurred. Over 100 soldiers of the Imperial Japanese army died during a winter training mission. On our way up the road, we found the road still closed for the winter so dejectedly headed back home. But then, we saw that we were near the Hakkoda Shrine so we made a stop there.


Hakkoda Shrine in the Winter / 冬の八甲田神社

Hondo / 本堂

The hand purification basin was wrapped up for the winter.


The shrine office / 社務所

The Hakkoda Shrine seal is not only colorful but also has the image of Mount Hakkoda on it.


So our spontaneous road trip wasn't a total bust. But after this, we just went straight home.


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